After alot of arrangments and hard work Lily, editor of "Ditt Dyr" magasine arrived yesterday morning with 6 of the 40 puppies smuggeled into Norway illegally by Hungarians, henceforth "The Puggles". It is a desperate situation that happens all too often and the animals, per usual, become the victims. Several dogs were discovered and the authorities claimed understandably that the only option was euthanasia due to the strict control of Rabies. Some of the dogs will be kept in a 5 month quaranteen in Norway however the Puggles were deemed too young for such a fate and thus had few options other than Euthanasia until Lily contacted me regarding them and whether or not something could be done. And as they say: Where there`s a will, there`s a way.
Two of the pups had actually been sold to owners in Norway and have been brought back to Budapest and into our care in order to enter Norway "afresh" and in a legal and proper fashion. These are 4 month old "Leif" and 3 month old "Wilma". Wilma`s mum Maren travelled down to BP with her and both dogs can be handed back over to their initial owners as "Budadogs". Additionally there are the 3 puggeles whom we named "Puggle" (of course), "Dina" and "Theodor". 6th man aboard is a beautiful Volpino Italiano boy quite apropriately named "Cesar". He is a rare breed, even in his country of origin, and doesn`t he know it!
The pups arrived on two separate flights landing at 10am and noon. Our Vet Viktor was kind enough to accompany us to the airport to ensure that the pups were in good health and had withstood the travel ok. After that we took them home. The pups are incredibly outgoing, secure and bursting with confidence which I am so happy to see!
Lily is writing an article about the journey of the smuggled Puggles and also about Budadogs so to that occasion we managed to organize a meet with fostermums/dogs and adopted dogs/mums in city park for a photo-shoot. (Photographer Jon travelled with Lily from Norway). It was great to see som many of the dogs gathered in one place and we had some lovely autumn sunshine to top it off! It truly warmed my heart!
In the early evening we took the Puggles to Recsei vet clinic and Viktor gave them a thorough check up. All dogs were given an overhaul and we went through their passports and vaccination records. Some of the pups show brachycephalic symptoms which is typical for the breed, and we will be x-raying Leifs trachea because his sudden increase in weight has put pressure on his airways making him stereotypically "pug-cough" upon excitement.
We completed our hectic day with a meal at Karma. Remaining Puggles are now resting peacefully in our apartment. I am so happy that we could help these dogs. Bred and sold for money, we cannot imagine the conditions they come from and the state or situation of their parents. I really hope that people make an effort to buy dogs from trustworthy, knowledgable breeders who bring dogs into this world for other reasons than financial gain and that the focus put on these puppies will make people understand the importance of proper breeding and paperwork. Breeds such as Pug`s are already in a vulnerable position physiologically, which makes it all the more important to consider carefully where you acquire your dog from so that the dog you do purchase has the best possible oportunity to thrive and live a healthy and comfortable life.
As far as the pups are concerned, Cesar has gone into fostering with 3rd year vet.student Maud.
Leif`s mum in Norway has a friend who studies here so she will be looking after him for the duration of his stay.
Wilma is staying with Caroline and I until Inger Elisabeth returns to foster her next week.
Puggle, our little Rock STAR and only black colored Pug in the bunch has already captured the heart of a Hungarian student.
Leader-of-the-pack Theodor will be going to vet.student Nina later on in the week and dainty-Dina has stolen my brother Nicky`s heart for the time being.
The dogs are being bloodtested for relevant diseases endemic to Hungary, as are all Budadogs. They will go through the rabies program for legal import to Norway and will be set to return back early Spring. Until then they will hang out in their motherland and have a sufficiently good time at that, I`m sure. :)
Åh, søte vell! (:
ReplyDeleteHow cute these Pug are! <3