Tuesday 27 October 2009

A good day for Little Women :)



Two "Little Women" were rehomed today, Lisa and Martha. Lisa was advertised in Norway last week with a huge amount of responses and will be travelling to her lovely new mum on thursday with Eve. Her photo`s charmed over 30 responses and having to choose was far from easy. We finally made a decision and she has been rehomed to Telemark surrounded by nature and a mum who works from home which is perfect for our little Fairy :)

Baby Martha went on a "date" with her potential new mum and dad today (veterinary student and previous fosterparent) and she obviously charmed them because they have decideded to adopt her:)

Happy ending all round for Lisa after a long stay at Illatos and Martha who was found frighteningly close to death at the side of the motorway near Heves. Now safe... and soon to be Norwegian little women :))

1 comment:

  1. så gøy! :) lisa ble jeg kjempe sjarmert av når vi fikk henne inn på klinikken hos viktor og hun begynte å vise at hun var en liten leken og spretten jente :) så godt å høre at hun har fått et hjem :) og martha syns jeg ligner så på chiquita når hun var liten. så dette var gode nyheter. dere er så flinke! :)
